20+ Years

20+ Years
Of Experience

About the Department

The most academic research in Viet Nam for plankton taxonomy and ecology

Viet Nam has a rich history of plankton research that started in the 1930s, thanks to dedicated French scientists. The first comprehensive book on freshwater and marine plankton was published in 1966 for South Viet Nam by Dr. Akihiko Shirota. Dr. Truong Ngoc An further contributed to this field by releasing the Diatoms in Viet Nam book in 1993. Since the 1990s, research on plankton has been intensified in various aspects, including classical taxonomic works, harmful algae blooms, biodiversity, environmental indicators, DNA markers, stable isotope, and microbial food web. Our team provides professional taxonomic research services that support general DNA markers of different plankton species. As international experts in HABs taxonomy and ecology, we offer services on investigation and training on plankton sampling, HABs species identification, HABs events, and monitoring. We study the biodiversity of plankton in different aspects, including baseline ecosystem evaluation for climate change impact and environment assessment. Let us help you explore the exciting world of plankton!

Species identification,
single cell isolation and culture

Biodiversity evaluation, harmful algae, toxic plankton, environmental assessment, etc.

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Nam porta sit amet orci eu finibus. Quisque vehicula arcu tortor, nec posuere leo dapibus eget. Aenean eu dignissim ligula, non tristique enim.


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